Rikla > The Trinosophia of the Fire > Volume 1

New Year's Parting Words to Humanity

I. You see the Goal and the Path is open to you, but if you have not received the Call, you would be a fool to take a risk…

II. Time cannot speed up or slow down.

III. Time does not carry nor contain Knowledge.

IV. Time just goes on continuously, endlessly.

V. Anything that gets in the way of Time in an effort to change its course shutters against its absolute noninvolvement.

VI. Man has the opportunity to know. This made him not free. He became a slave of what he knows. Only a fool will try to make Time his slave. This path leads to death. Nothing has power over Time.

VII. Knowledge that exists outside the flow of Time is destructive.

PS: Only the one who steadfastly bore all his sufferings without losing his Faith and the aspirations of the Spirit, will reap the fruits in the New Year, and will be able to keep his consciousness in the flow of the River of Time.
